
Showing posts from June, 2016

Celebrities weight loss secret!

There is no shame on losing weight with surgery!... Many people that you know have been through weight loss surgery, every day, more and more people are taking this life commitment without you even know… Why?... Bariatric Surgery is the most effective treatment for morbid obesity and health issues related with it, this is achieved removing a portion of the stomach ( Gastric Sleeve , DuodenalSwitch …), restricting and re-routing the small intestine to a small stomach pouch ( Gastric Bypass ) or reducing the sizes of the stomach with Gastric Band… Now, if you’re wondering how is that some of your friends and family, or even celebrities suddenly lose so much weight?... We share you their secret! Yes, many of them achieve their weight loss goals changing their eating habits, enrolling in to a gym or sports routines, others try to inhibit their hunger through medication, and many other crazy methods to lose weight…  But some of these options still not work for you, sometimes...

Why do Long Term VSG and Dr. Maytorena provide such a low price?

In Long Term WLS/VSG we understand our patient’s necessities, besides offering and guaranteeing high standard health care, we adjusted some of our bariatric surgeries prices to a promotional price according to almost every one of our patient’s budget. This is a unique opportunity, for now we are able to establish a promotional bariatric surgery price by designing a different advertisement strategies that allow us to approach the patients through lower costs and greater reach… Our gastric sleeve surgery is actually starting at $3.499 Dlls, but this is only a promotional price, with time and the influence of certain factors the price gradually returns to its regular price $4,500 Dlls… Will the price effect the quality of medication and service? No, in Long Term WLS/VSG Tijuana Mexico, we always offer the highest quality in our medical services, medical equipment and medical supplies. The health of our bariatric surgery patients is maintained with appropriate and premium medicatio...

Losing belly to boost Your Sex Drive!

Being overweight has lower your desire, performance, sex drive or all three?... Many studies show that having a body mass index that’s too high messes with your libido, but how is that related?... According to some urologist and sexual-health experts, your levels of a natural chemical known as sex-hormone-binding globulin increase, which causes bioavailable testosterone, the hormone that stimulates sexual desire, to fall. In addition, high cholesterol associated with obesity can lead to plaque buildup in the blood vessels that supply the pelvic region, slowing blood flow to the clitoris and genitals and annihilating sexual arousal… So, obesity not only leads you to several diseases like diabetes, heart diseases, cancer, hypertension… It leads you to sex-related problems; sexual stamina, sexual dysfunction and hormonal imbalance. Now that you know this, don’t let overweight take away from you that sexy spark that you have inside! Less weight, more sex!... Experts say losing ...

How much weight will I lose after gastric sleeve surgery?

A Sleeve Gastrectomy is a very effective weight loss operation, even though the amount of weight loss depends on several factors; diet, exercise, lifestyle and overall the commitment to change your old habits, it’s very important to  follow all the guidelines the surgeon provided to the patient. The best results are achieved when a multidisciplinary team supports patients though both surgical and lifestyle options. Dr. Maytorena  patients have lost up to 80 - 90 percent of their excess weight, the expected weight loss the first month after surgery is from 20 to 30 pounds. After the first month you can expect 8 to 12 pounds per month, of all guidelines are follow. If your number seems lower than expected, do not get upset. People are surprised that they cannot expect to go from 300 lbs down to 120 lbs from surgery alone. Gastric bypass is not magic, but it will get your weight down to something more manageable. Once your weight drops, it becomes easier to e...