Medical tourism in Tijuana Mexico – Weight loss surgery
Medical tourism in Tijuana Mexico – Weight loss surgery Proudly located in Tijuana Mexico, Long Term WLS/VSG offers a team of certified and professional surgeons, high quality facilities and a very affordable price to all of our patients… Tijuana city has become one of the most important borders in the world, welcoming every day thousands of persons for medical, business, traveling and many other proposes… Located about 20-25 minutes from San Diego, California; we are prepared to offer every one of our patients the best medical services. Many people travel from other countries, especially U.S. and Canada to get a medical treatment for an affordable price with high standards and quality. For many years our city was involved in a high crime wave, affecting the image and perception of Tijuana around the world... The Mexican government put all his strength and resources to resolve the security problem, leaving in the past that regrettable situation that affected citizens and ...