
Showing posts from August, 2016

Our practice is not all about the money! – Weight loss surgery with Long Term WLS

You might heard about the changing lifestyles according to different times, eras, society’s, etc… the actual reality is that our current lifestyle in America and many other countries became less active than it used to be in the past; many people use buses and cars rather than walking or using bicycle, most people have sedentary jobs or work in offices where they’re sitting for most of the day, recreational or outdoors activities became replaced by digital entertainments where the person spend long period of time sitting or partially moving… Adding the fact that the majority of the people don’t have enough time to exercise daily or prepare their food at home, and they end up eating fast food with poor nutrition elements. This means that the calories they eat are not getting burnt off as energy, instead, the extra calories are stored as fat, leading to weight gain. Without lifestyle changes to in increase the amount of physical activity done on a daily basis, or reduce the amount of ...

Common Mistakes after weight loss surgery

Assuming bariatric surgery is a cure for obesity – As we always remark to our patients, bariatric surgery is not a “magic bullet”, is a tool to help improve obesity and introduction to a healthier lifestyle. Weight loss surgery itself does about 40 percent of the work but the remaining 60 percent must come from the patient and their new lifestyle habits. “If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got” Not taking vitamins, supplements, or minerals – This is extremely important, bariatric patients will be on a very low carb diet after surgery and will not be getting all the nutrients they require through their diet. Every weight loss patient has specific nutritional need depending on the type of bariatric surgery ,  therefore  it is essential that patients get in contact with a nutritionist to provide the patient supplements to maintain adequate levels of vitamin...

Types of bariatric surgeries!

Types of bariatric surgeries! Know your options for weight loss surgery. If you’re considering going through weight loss surgery, you might want to learn about the various types of procedures to choose what’s best for your goals, health, and lifestyle… Being informed before for weight loss surgery and talk it over with you surgeon it’s a great decision, both of you will decide what’s best according to your personal needs! In general term, a bariatric surgical procedure restrict the amount of food intake, causing malabsorption of nutrients, or by a combination of both gastric restriction and malabsoption achieving greater and maintainable weight loss results. Nowadays, a weight loss surgery can be performed using minimally invasive techniques (laparoscopic surgery). Open Surgery vs Laparoscopic Surgery Each type of bariatric surgery can be performed as a laparoscopic or open procedure, this is only referred to how abdominal cavity is entered and not the type of surg...

Weight loss surgery - Things to know before you trip back home

Most of our Bariatric patients stay from 2 to 4 days in our facilities to rest and recover after surgery, during this phase the patient will be taking care and monitored by our qualified staff of nurses and doctors; making sure that your comfortable, safe and healthy for your flight back home… Even though our staff and bariatric surgeons are going to guide you during recovery providing you all the information and resources to go back home without complications, feeling prepared for the post-op recovery process, we want to share you some tips and recommendations for a safer and better comeback… WALK, WALK, WALK! – If you’re flying or driving back home for a long period of hours, you should try to make an extra effort to change positions frequently while sitting, and mostly important; walk around every 20 – 30 minutes during your trip… It will help you to stimulate blood circulation and avoid a higher risk of developing a blood clot. DON’T FORGET TO TAKE A BLOOD THINNER!...